Winning Social Security Disability For You
Get the benefits you deserve by moving for your Social Security claim. We will move directly for you when you file and have been denied. If it looks like you qualify for Social Security but more than mistakes to turn you down has knocked you out.
We can help. We are here to support you.
We will work through this together with you on the Social Security law. We want you to get what you deserve.
You may qualify for Social Security. You need Social Security when you cannot work. We will be part of hope and change for you. The best benefit for you that can work is Social Security. Get what you deserve.
You may qualify for Social Security. Two kinds, Title 16 for the limited amount and coverage, and Title 2 for the maximum amount, for people who have worked the last 5 years before you stopped working.
The best benefits for you are here. We are here to help and support you.
When you need the Social Security, we will work through with you on this.
When you should get Social Security but have been stopped; when Social Security
has held up targets and blocks, we will be here to help. We are here to help you
Justice, Respect, and Dignity can be yours with Social Security
Call us and we’ll work to bring this for you and your family.
205-342-3622 or email [email protected].
We look at your age because the rules all apply on your age. There are requirements and advantages to win on each age. So let’s start with cases when you’re 55-67. These are the cases you can most likely win here. The older you get, the better your case. Get the most out of your life, and should be more money in Social Security. An appeal on your denial is a search for a better life.
Social Security will be your life to get control as we prove your case. This is where I will collect all of your medical records and help you to know what is necessary for your case. Call us on these issues so we can move quickly on your case.
At ages 50-54, Social Security will often look to support your case with our work. As one has some age that limits, then the problems are to the normal days. Age is more likely to win and can prove the Social Security for you. Your case moves better when the rules give you a break to help you.
The next cases are for folks who are 18-49. These ages require more work and detail. When you call or write us, you will see your age is the first thing we need to know to plan helping you.
Call me on any of this. This is a time to what facts we can use to qualify your case. We have to make the medical care make your case count. As for ages up to 17 are concerned, they are greatly added several ways. That is nothing I can add in this short writing, so call us so we can see where the tough case is.
For any problems you have that keep you from working, call or write to us. Get what you deserve. Don’t delay so we can work up your case(s). Call us at 662-328-9365, 205-342-3622 or 800-748-9673 with any questions or especially if you need our help.
Social Security brings money, doctors, and medicine to those we help when we win your social security. If you can’t work because of physical or mental problems, social security is for you.
If you are denied, you bring that denial to me. That’s where we start working for you.
Especially when you are 50 - 67 and above… Social security still covers children and adults to 49 for special problems, and I can help you on that too.
If you have been denied, the next step is to contact an attorney who will work for you.
disability lawyer in Tuscaloosa, AL for more than 20 years.
Call me, Dennis Harmon today at 205-342-3622 or send an email at [email protected]
I've been where you are now. At my last job as an engineer, I had a case when the company I worked for shut down in a recession and left the country. (History does repeat itself, doesn't it?) So there I was in Atlanta, no job, a bad economy and no one was hiring- but I needed a lawyer. I had to pay my lawyer $500 to start the case...still bothers me.
Well, I won't do that to you. Keep that start-up money in your pocket. I'll start the case on my dime.
In Social Security cases I will pay all the expenses to prove the case. If we lose, you don't pay me back and you don't pay me for my time. If we win, the judge will set the fee, limited to 25% back pay, and you can pay me back for what I spent on you. So, you risk nothing. I'll put my money and my time on the line for you.
I will talk to you without any charge to see if you have a good case. Whether you choose to hire me or someone else, you need to know that no representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed by me is greater than legal services performed by other lawyers. If you want to know more about me, free background information is available on request.
I've been through these fights and hearings a big chunk of my 25-plus years in the law. I'll do all the work for you:1) collecting the evidence you need- the Social Security office doesn't get it all; 2) presenting the evidence; 3) appealing the case with all its paperwork and rules; and 4) going to the hearing as your lawyer to speak for you. I'll do this and put my money up front. If I can make it any fairer, somebody let me know.
If you want to fight the denial, an appeal must be filed. The appeal will be heard by a judge out of the Birmingham office. You will come to the Federal Courthouse in Tuscaloosa for the hearing. There is a room set aside with two hearing rooms on the first floor near the Social Security office. The Social Security disability hearing rooms are closer to the front door than the main Social Security office. But you will have to go there because almost all Social Security Disability appeals demand a hearing before a judge. Very few Social Security Disability cases are decided without a hearing before the judge whether in Tuscaloosa or other offices.
Whether it's me, Dennis Harmon, or someone else, can file this appeal for you. In the first step with the original filing you have done, Social Security does not allow a lawyer to represent you when you start the case. We can help but we cannot speak for you. At the appeal stage, the Social Security disability lawyer can begin speaking for you and representing you. To tell you the truth, I would rather file the appeal myself so I know everything that is needed is there in Social Security's paperwork. Makes life easier down the road. Call 205-342-3622 if you are ready to appeal or want to talk about it free of charge. We can do this in person at the Tuscaloosa office or we can talk on the phone.
Have agreed to be your Social Security disability lawyer in front of the judge and have done the appeal, the office staff and I will follow you in your treatment by the doctors, hospitals, and clinics for whatever your conditions are. We will collect the records needed and submit them to Social Security so they can be available the the Social Security disability judge for the hearing in Tuscaloosa. I will represent you at that hearing. You will not go alone to the Federal Courthouse in Tuscaloosa unprepared or without a lawyer.
Call or Email Today for more Help!
If there is anyway I can help, call or text me with questions and how to help you. 205-342-3622 or email [email protected].
No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the legal services performed by other lawyers.