I know where you are right now. I'm 60 and four years ago at age 56 I was closer than I care to think about using these laws and rules for myself. Doctors discovered a brain tumor which turned out to be malignant. A really good surgeon in Chicago and checks in Birmingham show this to be completely clear for years but if things had turned out differently, I would be drawing Social Security disability rather than helping other folks win theirs whenever I can.
When you cannot go back to work because of an injury or illness and you can't do any job you have ever done in your life, it makes no sense to you how the Social Security disability bureaucrats could turn you down. You, by the way, are probably right about the Social Security disability denial for folks age 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 on up to 67 and the bureaucrats are probably wrong. You can get a headache trying to figure out how they could make that mistake.
My best guess is your own Social Security disability denial has less to do with you and your case and more how the Administration is run. First, the folk who turned you down come from Disability Determination Services, DDS, which is in the Alabama Department of Education. They forever deny they have any quota on denials but I'm suspicious. Every DDS in the country denies 70% of its applicants give or take a few per cent, It may be a coincidence but is awfully persistent over decades. Second, any bureaucrat is safer saying no than yes. If they say no, the case can be kicked upstairs - which is exactly what we will do. Saying yes to someone who does meet standards by a bosses opinion can get you in trouble. So, your denial is the safe bet for the person who reviewed your case.
There is a special answer to this for folks who are 55,56,57,58, 59 on up to 64 in the Social Security disability law. This is only fair. You have paid into Social Security Disability Insurance with every payroll deduction. This is your money not the governments. This is an insurance policy for you to pay your bills and live in dignity. You have earned this right to live in the light of day when you earned your paycheck and paid your taxes. You’re paid for the insurance that should pay for your doctors, hospitals and medicines at the same time. That's what medicare and medicaid do for you when you are disabled. You ought to be able to live with the assurance of a decent life for the work you have done over your life.
And you are right about that. The law has a rule that covers this for ages 55, 56,57,58,59 on up to 64. It is how a Social Security lawyer in Tuscaloosa - or anywhere else for that matter - would look at your case: people of advanced age as defined by Social Security. Here's how it works and what the Social Security disability lawyer proves in a disability case: 1) the claimant who is 55-64 cannot return to their past work. 2) The claimant has no readily transferable skills. This means you can't step into another job without a lot of training, 3) You can only be considered for light or less work, which is work that requires 20 pounds lifting on a regular basis and a fair amount of walking. If you are down to this level or less you are disabled at ages 55, 56,57,58,59 on up to 64 when the first two limits are met. This is not true for someone who is 49 or younger or 50-54. There are different limits for them. But for the "advanced age" group like you or me, this rule can help you win your case if the evidence is gathered to prove it.

If any of this sounds like it might be your case, call me at 205-342-3622 or email me at [email protected] . The call will be free. If you want to come the office, that's free too. I will not charge you anything to talk about your case. If you have been denied, hurry because there is a time limit on appeal. The sooner I can start on the appeal the better and if you let the time lapse, you may have to start completely over. So, call or email now or use any of the other ways to find me below.
If I take your case, you still don't have to put any money up front. If I take the case, I will pay upfront for the expenses like the medical bills. If we lose, you don't pay for anything I spent or for any of my time. If we win, the Judge and law decides the fee, normally 25% and no more of the awarded back pay - not the monthly check only back pay - and you can pay me back for the out of pocket expenses after you get your back pay check. So, you have nothing to lose and much to gain. If I can help, call or email now.